
James Vellacott


Born near Oxford (UK), James has lived in Revel, South West France since 2005 and is bilingual.


He started making films and music in his early teens, continually looking to develop his skills through experience, challenge and independent research.


James qualified as a professional drone pilot (S1/S2/S3) at the Centre of Instruction and Education in Tele-piloting Professional Drones in Toulouse. He has also achieved the Certificat D’apititude Théorique ULM.


He is registered as an “Auto-Entrepreneur” (with SIRET number)


In his spare time James loves music, film and skiing.

Why Video?


Over recent years, high-quality video has increasingly been recognised as a vital element of major marketing campaigns for 3 main reasons —


Video encourages engagement, increasing the time that prospective purchasers spend considering a subject property


- Video builds trust by giving a more complete, “living picture”


- Google loves video - it is estimated that you are more than 50 times more likely to show up first in search results if you have an embedded video on your website

The Importance of Music 


Vision and hearing are our two most dominant senses.


James spends many hours searching for music that will complement his film in a way that best promotes the attributes of a particular property, before carefully synchronising the two in post-production.


James will generally choose music where ITP can acquire a music licence for use on Youtube, etc. Please ask for further details.

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